Increase your sales
and improve your profitability.

Test our wine by the glass solution for 30 days - free of charge and without any commitment.

  • Invineo is the first “all-in-one” solution for your wine by the glass service.

  • Invineo simplifies your service, reduces wastage, lowers your carbon footprint and improves customer experience.

  • Already more than 90 locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France trust us.

How does a test with Invineo work?

We make an appointment.

We give you a live demonstration & wine tasting.

3. 30 DAY TEST :
You select the wines and use Invineo for your wine by the glass service. We provide you with all the necessary support. The test can be interrupted at any time, free of charge. You only pay for the wines you have sold.

If the test is successful and you are satisfied with the conditions, you keep the dispenser and benefit from all our services: stock management, free monthly delivery, dispenser maintenance, personalised recommendations…

Send us a Message

Contact us directly

Odoo • Image and Text

With Invineo, no more glass wastage,
we collect your empty cartridges!

Invineo is the ideal solution for serving wine by the glass

If you work
in the hospitality sector (hotel, restaurant, bar, café, club, cultural centre, sports centre...)
If you serve
at least 15 glasses of wine per day
If you sell
your wine glasses from €4.00 +

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